Khalsa School Athletic Grounds
We aim to provide Khalsa School Students with a premiere facility and a healthy environment to train and develop in
Dashmesh Culture Centre is dedicated to providing Khalsa School students with a top level training facility in order to help foster their growth as athletes. Having a nicely well kept environment plays a crucial part in raising overall morale and mental health levels as a whole.
We aim to make sure we cover all bases by implementing:
  • Regulation Track and Field Facility
         - Including bleachers, allowing us to host events
  • Artificial Soccer Turf
         - Placed inside the track
         - Able to be used by neighboring communities and leagues 
  • New Major and Minor Fields
  • Created by converting and revamping the already existing natural turf present on the premise
  • Allows for a multi-field facility, meaning many groups or people can use it at once
  • New Basketball Court
         - Consisting of major and minor nets
         - Accessible by everyone, able to be used as the community or school pleases   
  • Proposed Community Garden
         - Allows for the area to be well kept and looking sharp
         - Provides a nice area for students or the community to relax in and enjoy themselves